The 'Ultralight Day Sack' is the ultimate bag for travel. Designed as a Dry Bag without the weight. The Ultralight Day Sack is the ultimate in lightweight packing and gear preparation. Coming in a range of sizes / colors, the Day Sack is great for storing all sorts of clothing and gear. With the Roll Down System and made from Nylon, the Day bag works well to protect your items from water, dirt, mud, and more. Works with Compression Rack Systems
- NOTE: Ideal if you are dealing with limited space, weight constraints and concerns.
- This Ultralight Sack will meet the rigors of travel without the weight.
- Constructed with 30D Courdura Nylon fabric for strength and durabilty.
- Welded Seams to help protect from water, snow, mud, sand, silt, and more.
- Lightweight, High Strength Convenient to carry, pack, or stow.
- Welded Seams and Roll down design protect gear from water, dirt, mud, and more.
- Ultralight for easy travel. Great bag to carry clothes, dirty clothes, gear, jackets, and more!
- Simple Packing Solution.
- Works with Compression Rack Systems