This MamaBear Cloth Diapering Kit contains everything you need to diaper your baby from birth to potty training! (Approx. 8 lbs to 35 lbs).
Makes a GREAT gift for an expectant mother!
~ 15 Cloth Fitteds, closureless (112.50) ~ 15 Lay-in Soakers/Boosters (50.00) ~ 8 Waterproof Covers (80.00) ~ 3 Wool Covers (63.00) ~ 26 Cloth Wipes (14.00) ~ 1 Large (Pail-sized) Wet Bag (18.00) ~ 2 Small (Travel-sized) Wet Bags (20.00) ~ 1 8.5oz bottle of Lanolin Wash (7.00) ~ 1 2oz spray bottle lanolin spray (3.75) TOTAL VALUE $368.25
YOUR COST: $325.00
Imagine diapering your child from birth to potty training for only $325.00, preventing over 1 TON of toxic trash from entering your local landfill, and never having to run to the store for diapers or wipes again saving you time and money! Now imagine that youâve taken care of your cloth diapering supplies and after 2-3 years roughly 75% of them are still in good, usable condition to see you through ANOTHER child! You can save THOUSANDS of dollars and TONS of trash! What a great gift for yourself, your baby, a parent-to-be that you care about, all of our children, and our shared planet!
NOTE: Please specify the following at time of purchase:
Color Preference: Boy, Girl, or Gender Neutral. Because this is such a large set I may not be able to match specific color preferences but will coordinate by gender.
Closure Preference for Diaper Covers: snaps or velcro. (All fitted one-size cloth diapers do not include closures, but you may add snaps or velcro by purchasing a separate listing. Most people find they do not need them with wrap-style covers as the cover holds the diaper on, or you can use snappis or pins. Having no closures allows the most flexible fit.) _______________________________________________________
NOTE: Please allow 14-20 days for sewing completion. Thank you!
All items come with care instructions.
I will be happy to gift wrap all of these items for an additional $5.00.